The challenges have to fit the following criteria:
1. They have to enhance my life or the lives of others
2. They have to be accomplishable within 30 days
On August 1, I will post the 12 challenge finalists. In the meantime, here is the running list of ideas so far:
- Change every diaper in my household
- Cook every night and plan all of the meals
- Break 100 in golf
- Cook every night and plan all of the meals
- Break 100 in golf
- Give up a food I know isn’t good for me
- Commit to weekly yoga classes/morning walks
- Buy a notebook and write down one thing I am grateful for each day. If it’s a person, share it with them
- Give up beer and/or nachos and/or pizza
- Read one book per week
- Gift something of myself everyday to a stranger
- Give up TV for a month
- Become a vegetarian for 30 days
- For one month, instead of buying coffee each day, give that money to a homeless person
- Volunteer your time at a local organization...even just a few hours a week or month. I hear money and items are easier to come by, but donating your time is invaluable to them
- Do one thing per day for 30 days that you fear the most in your life
- Take salsa dance lessons – then perform in public
- Raise $5,000 and donate it to a nonprofit organization as an anonymous gift
- Become an expert on something I currently know nothing about
- Do a 100 mile bike ride (century ride)
- Build something big – like cabinets, a tree house, etc
- Sing the national anthem at a sporting event
- Commit to weekly yoga classes/morning walks
- Buy a notebook and write down one thing I am grateful for each day. If it’s a person, share it with them
- Give up beer and/or nachos and/or pizza
- Read one book per week
- Gift something of myself everyday to a stranger
- Give up TV for a month
- Become a vegetarian for 30 days
- For one month, instead of buying coffee each day, give that money to a homeless person
- Volunteer your time at a local organization...even just a few hours a week or month. I hear money and items are easier to come by, but donating your time is invaluable to them
- Do one thing per day for 30 days that you fear the most in your life
- Take salsa dance lessons – then perform in public
- Raise $5,000 and donate it to a nonprofit organization as an anonymous gift
- Become an expert on something I currently know nothing about
- Do a 100 mile bike ride (century ride)
- Build something big – like cabinets, a tree house, etc
- Sing the national anthem at a sporting event
- Finish a triathlon sprint
- Spend 30 minutes a day doing something with Haley and Ryan without iPhone, computer, TV, iPad, etc.
- Call/email a different long lost friend every day for a month just to say hi and do a little catchup
- For the month, accept the recommendation from the server, whatever they suggest - every place I eat
- Knit a hat, scarf or sweater
- Help my mother get her art business off the ground
- A 30 day Sanskrit Mantra for abundance and prosperity
- Walk for 30 minutes everyday
- A weekly unplugged night (no technology or TV)
- Look up every word in your readings that you're not sure of definition or pronunciation
- Take the time to Google places, people, events that come up in conversation to learn more
- Find a need - fill a need. Proposing a 30 day challenge of finding and fulfilling needs around the area, be it from an organization (nonprofit), family or individual. Most of the daily requests can be small in nature, and able to be fulfilled in one day. Other requests that are a big bigger (requiring more with respect to logistics, etc.) can be part of a larger campaign, and involve family and friends to assist you. (Think My Name is Earl…)
- Daily random act of kindness
- Have Jen and I trade chores for a month