Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Oops - Forgot to Mention Month 6

Month 6 was one of those where the idea/challenge sounded like a good idea at the time but Jen and I both realized that we were basically 'settling' to do something together. Moving forward, if neither of us are completely on board with the monthly challenge, then we are going to do separate challenges.

That being said, we agreed on the idea of the sixth month being all about energy. Giving or receiving every day. Concept is good. I did reiki on Jen 2-3 times and the rest of the month was giving reiki to Ryan and Haley or meditating. I guess there is nothing wrong with it, it just didn't really feel like a challenge and didn't feel like something Jen and I were on board with from day 1.

If I were to do this challenge again, I would probably set a goal for myself of doing energy on 10-15 people and receiving it from other folks as well, or just doing a daily meditation and sending energy to people other than myself. Something like that. Still good to focus on giving energy to other people, it just could have been better strategized.