Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Month 4: The Power of Gratitude

For month #4, which happened to be in November, Jen and I thought it would be a good idea to use Leah Toeniskoetter's idea and create a gratitude journal. We did it a little bit differently. Every day, Jen would acknowledge one thing she is thankful for and if it was a person, she would let them know. For me, I actually identified 30 people that I was thankful for and let each one know individually.

The exercise started with me taking out a notebook and literally writing down each name that came to mind. I think I started with about 15-20. Then as things happened and people did nice things, etc. I added more to the list. At the end, I told 30 people what I was grateful for from them. The people ranged from family, to childhood friends, to acquaintances, to Haley's teacher and my children's long-time day care provider.

The most fascinating thing about it was that the people I knew the best (sisters, long-time friends, etc) were the ones that seemed most surprised or appreciative of my feelings. I guess I assume that those who know me best know how I feel about them, but obviously that is not true. This was definitely a feel good challenge for the month, especially since my strength is not sharing my feelings. It was very good to get out of my comfort zone in that regard. And challenge or not, this is something I would recommend (even in a smaller scale) that everybody does...
Josh is right. I was the first person he thanked and it hit me by surprise...even though I knew the challenge was starting that day. There is something about hearing the words said aloud (not just in an email or a card, but face to face) that makes it get right to you. I felt appreciated and loved and I loved that I would be showing gratitude this month.
The biggest thing that I learned is that I am naturally grateful and generally don't take things for granted. I have learned to love the moment you are in and not just yearn for the next. This has come to me through life lessons, some of which were not fun to learn. I was on a run one day and was thankful for my legs. I never want to be someone who would lose something and wish i loved it while I had it. I can run, dance, chase, walk and move because of my legs.
I, too, found it surprising that my family were the most moved by my gratitude. Well, except for Haley who said, "Mom, I know you love me. You tell me all the time!" Now that I am a parent myself, the way i feel about my own parents has changed. I think about their life and all they did to raise us the way they did. AMAZING! I could only hope to be so good at the job of parenting.
I have a lot to be thankful for and I hope to always to know how good I have it.

Month 3: 40-Day Mantra Completion

Well, it took me a total of 69 days, but I finally completed my 40-day sanskrit mantra for wealth and abundance. As I mentioned in a previous post, I had started the 40 day mantra of chanting the following sanskrit: "Om Gum Shrim Maha Lakshmieyei Swaha" 108 times a day for 40 days. The rule is that you have to do it 40 days straight, which is why I had to start over because I forgot on day 29 the first time. There is obviously significance to the 108 number in that it is considered a magical or spiritual number in Hinduism and you really have to chant out loud because of the vibrations from your voice that go into the universe.

The purpose of doing this was for wealth and abundance, to help remove blocks or barriers to abundance. Of course, you can look at things as a coincidence, but I choose to look at it the other way. So, in no particular order, here are the things that happened when I started doing the full 40-day mantra:
1. After being told that my three sports blogs were shutting down two days after I forgot to say the mantra on day 29, I have started new contracts with two different blog companies and have picked back up all three sports blogs;
2. We learned that we were to receive two inheritances - both of which added up to nearly $25,000 and helped eliminate nearly all of our debt (not including our house)
3. I received a check I had been waiting for for quite some time;
4. I was approached by a company looking to pay freelance journalists to go to concerts and sporting events and write about them;
5. I won a $100 eBay gift card as part of a contest

Pretty incredible. And, I had the mantra on a CD so I just listened to it and chanted on my way to work. In fact, four days after the mantra was complete and I'm still continuing on. It's just too cool to stop.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Checking Back in on Month #1

As you may recall, Jen and my challenge in the first month was to help my mom get her art business off the ground. As part of this effort we created a website for her, opened up a PayPal account and created an invitation and plans for her to do an art show at her house.

In November, my mom hosted that art show and I can tell you that she sold 5 paintings as a direct result. Incredible! And, she has boosted her reiki business as well.

In addition, our friend Courtney, who co-owns a design company did some trade of reiki for the design and printing of a business card so my mom now has a business card specifically for her art and reiki work.

It has been so rewarding to see her grow professionally and feel that sense of pride that what she has created actually has value to people.

Month 3: Mantra Re-Do

My third month's challenge was a 40-day Sanskrit mantra for wealth and abundance. Sanskrit is a historical Hindu/Buddhist language. And, according to Wikipedia, a mantra is is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of "creating transformation". This particular one that my mom helped us pick is for removing barriers to abundance and prosperity. We are supposed to chant the following "Om Gum Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha" 108 times a day for 40 days. Believe it or not, it only takes about 5 minutes. If you forget a day, you are supposed to start over.

So, I was doing great. I actually received a couple of checks during the first two weeks that I had been waiting on and it was great. Then, on day 29, while I was in Seattle for work, I completely forgot about the mantra and as a result, had to start all over.

What is interesting to note is that two days after I forgot, I received an email that the company that I did my sports blogging for decided to eliminate their entire blog network. I don't know if it's a coincidence (it's not), but that definitely lit a fire under to me start over and finish my 40 days, which I am now 3 days away from finishing. After I complete it, I will share my experience - which has been incredible to say the least.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Month 2 Recap - Nothin' But Veggies

GIVE ME MEAT!! That's what I thought I would be begging for when I embarked upon my month-long journey of not eating anything that at one time had a face (or a shell). I don't think I had ever gone two straight days... let alone one without eating meat of some kind. It's just ingrained into who I am - which is why I thought last month would be so challenging.

After a month as a full-blown vegetarian, I learned a few interesting things:
1. Being a vegetarian is actually much easier than I thought. This was the most surprising to me because I thought it would be a daily struggle to eat 1,000 veggies to fill me up. But, pretty much every restaurant has vegetarian options and if you focus on it, it's pretty easy. Heck, I even had an amazing veggie burger at Red Robin. I thought it was illegal to eat a veggie burger at Red Robin. But, if you like pasta or are willing to substitute chicken for tofu, the world is your vegetarian oyster.

2. I was much more open minded than I thought I would be. Anyone who has ever eaten out with me knows that I'm pretty one-dimensional when it comes to what I eat. I like burgers. I like sandwiches. I'll eat salads. I like pizza... you get the drift. But, last month forced me out of my comfort zone - and I liked it. We even vacationed for a weekend in Santa Barbara and found that it did not spoil the vacation - and I had some great food. The final test was on September 30 when I went to lunch at a vegan restaurant in Downtown San Jose called "Good Karma". I have avoided this place since before I could remember. But, I figured on my last day I would try it out. And, to raise the stakes, I even told the girl behind the counter to pick three items for me - I was at her mercy. The result -- food was amazing (see photo attached). Not just good. I couldn't believe it. I never would have gone their otherwise. Now, a whole new world has opened up. Pretty exciting!

3. I established new connections and bonds. It's weird but there were times when I felt a special bond with other vegetarians. Once at the Garrett I ordered a veggie burger and the girl behind the counter asked if I was a vegetarian. I told her "yes I am this month". She was too and we had a very interested (albeit brief) conversation about being a vegetarian, raising children vegetarian, etc. I also walked into Good Karma and felt that the people eating there were my 'peeps'. Don't know why, but an unspoken bond was created.

4. Not everything is easy for a vegetarian. There were a few instances where there were no options for me. One example, I was invited to a lunch hosted by the Chamber of Commerce honoring local sports teams. The lunch choices were: pork sliders, ribs and corn dogs. So... I had cole slaw, potatoes and macaroni salad. That kind of sucked. I also had to turn down an offer of free Outback Steakhouse dinner b/c there were no vegetarian options. One or two other instances but not too bad.

5. Health implications. A question a lot of people asked me was "how did I feel"? Basically, I felt the same. I actually was less motivated to workout last month than most months (could be purely coincidental). I never got the feeling of being sickeningly full, which is a good thing. I should have done some health tests before and after (like Supersize Me) to see if there were any changes. I did lose 4.5 pounds but I attribute that to eating smaller portions over the course of the month and things like no fast food, etc.

All in all - it was a really fun and interesting challenge for me. This month begins a 40-day, daily sanskrit mantra for abundance and prosperity.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Month 1 Recap: Joni Russell Art

For the first month, Jen and I set our sights on helping my mom create a foundation with which she can boost her art career. Obviously this one is perhaps less measurable than others. But, this is what Jen and I set out to do:
1. Create a professional website
2. Create a PayPal account
3. Help plan an art 'open house'

WEBSITE - this was pretty fun because it not only helped to legitimize my mom as an artist but it was an opportunity to collect, in one place, all of her paintings and actually categorize them, which had never been done before. I used a site called Big Black Bag, which is used specifically for artists. And, after a solid month of layout, online tutorials and photographing and organizing, we launched her site: http://www.jonirussellart.com/. What was so exciting too is that we were able to use her Reiki practice as a way to help distinguish her as an artist with a twist. The site so far has gotten great responses. Now, we need to figure out a way she can manage and update the site long term.

PAYPAL - This was relatively quick but critical step. Currently, the only way one can pay for a painting is by writing a check or handing out cash. Not very 21st century. Now, with this PayPal option, we are hoping to open doors and new avenues for folks to pay for my mom's great work.

OPEN HOUSE - This is still a bit ongoing because the open house hasn't happened yet. But, we set a date and created an eVite as well as a flyer so we can plug in email addresses and get the word out. The Open House is her chance to showcase all of her artwork in a personal setting.

I know with more time we could have done more - like connected her with organizations that can provide professional development and training for artists and recommended art and wine festivals she might consider displaying her work at.

But now, with the help of a family friend - Courtney Smith - my mom has a professional business card with a link to the website and she can finally feel proud about her artwork and begin to be the advocate that she should be.
I thought that this was great challenge. I am now writing on this blog 6 months later and can see the impact this challenge has had. The art show happened and really, we had nothing to do with it except for making Joni set a date and designing the evite. She did all the work- the presentation, the pricing, the food and the drink. The show was a great success and about 5 paintings were sold that day. Since then, it seems her art is constantly being looked at and shopped. She has sold a total of 9 since the show! She has always had some stacks of art just lying around and they aren't there any more.
The best part of all of this is seeing Joni realize that her work is valued and appreciated. I am sure it is boosting her confidence as an artist.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Taking Submissions Now for the "Russell Challenge"

Jen and I are now in the process until the end of July, 201o of taking submissions for the Russell Challenge. The challenge is this: I will take on monthly challenges from others within the span of a month. I will select the final 12 challenges and will assign one per month.

The challenges have to fit the following criteria:
1. They have to enhance my life or the lives of others
2. They have to be accomplishable within 30 days

On August 1, I will post the 12 challenge finalists. In the meantime, here is the running list of ideas so far:

- Change every diaper in my household
- Cook every night and plan all of the meals
- Break 100 in golf
- Give up a food I know isn’t good for me
- Commit to weekly yoga classes/morning walks
- Buy a notebook and write down one thing I am grateful for each day. If it’s a person, share it with them
- Give up beer and/or nachos and/or pizza
- Read one book per week
- Gift something of myself everyday to a stranger
- Give up TV for a month
- Become a vegetarian for 30 days
- For one month, instead of buying coffee each day, give that money to a homeless person
- Volunteer your time at a local organization...even just a few hours a week or month. I hear money and items are easier to come by, but donating your time is invaluable to them
- Do one thing per day for 30 days that you fear the most in your life
- Take salsa dance lessons – then perform in public
- Raise $5,000 and donate it to a nonprofit organization as an anonymous gift
- Become an expert on something I currently know nothing about
- Do a 100 mile bike ride (century ride)
- Build something big – like cabinets, a tree house, etc
- Sing the national anthem at a sporting event
- Finish a triathlon sprint
- Spend 30 minutes a day doing something with Haley and Ryan without iPhone, computer, TV, iPad, etc.
- Call/email a different long lost friend every day for a month just to say hi and do a little catchup
- For the month, accept the recommendation from the server, whatever they suggest - every place I eat
- Knit a hat, scarf or sweater
- Help my mother get her art business off the ground
- A 30 day Sanskrit Mantra for abundance and prosperity
- Walk for 30 minutes everyday
- A weekly unplugged night (no technology or TV)
- Look up every word in your readings that you're not sure of definition or pronunciation
- Take the time to Google places, people, events that come up in conversation to learn more
- Find a need - fill a need. Proposing a 30 day challenge of finding and fulfilling needs around the area, be it from an organization (nonprofit), family or individual. Most of the daily requests can be small in nature, and able to be fulfilled in one day. Other requests that are a big bigger (requiring more with respect to logistics, etc.) can be part of a larger campaign, and involve family and friends to assist you. (Think My Name is Earl…)
- Daily random act of kindness
- Have Jen and I trade chores for a month