Monday, May 2, 2011

Month 9 - Josh Learns the Ukulele

For the month of April, my challenge was to learn how to play one song on the ukulele and then perform it - no matter how far along in my learning curve - and upload it to YouTube. Below is the video. This was really fun as I have been wanting to play for a long time and just looking for the incentive. This was my incentive. I definitely want to keep playing. I might even look into taking lessons.

You can watch the video below or click on this link to see it on YouTube:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Month 8 - "All is Well"

For the month of March, Jen and I thought it would be neat to spend the month being inspired by other people's stories. A month or two prior, we both bought a book called "All is Well", which includes 29 stories of different people, all connected to the Center for Spiritual Living in San Jose, who have overcome different life obstacles.

We thought it would be inspiring to hear of other's challenges. And, with 29 stories, we figured, "perfect - we'll read one story a night." We did and while I can't speak for Jen I can say that the idea was good.

The stories themselves, for whatever reason, did not really resonate with me. People overcoming the death of their loved ones, overcoming eating disorders, falling in love with their soul mates (while being married to someone else), bankrupt, etc. Many of the stories were powerful and I was more struck by the notion that everybody has gone through different life challenges, no matter who you are. Everyone has a story - most people don't take the time to listen to what they are.

That was my lesson in month 8. It was not the stories themselves but the ideas of the stories that resonated with me. It also confirmed that for me and my life, all is truly well.

Month 7 (February) Weight Loss Challenge

I have done lots of weight loss challenges in the past. Lose 5 pounds this month. Do Weight Watchers this month, etc. These work for me, because it forces me to be disciplined, which I am usually not very good at.

But when we looked at Challenge #7, we liked the idea of a weight loss challenge but wanted to add some meaning to it - some significance. So, Jen and I decided that we would pledge $5 for every pound lost in the month of February, collect the total and donate it to a charity. That way, the weight loss meant something bigger than ourselves (no pun intended). So, we opted to donate it to the Walnut Avenue Women's Shelter, where Cita, our sister-in-law works.

And, to stir the pot a little, we put it out there to our friends and family that we were embarking upon 28 days of weight loss for a purpose and invited any and all to participate. This was the first time that I did any sort of weight loss challenge where bragging rights or an actual prize was not the goal.

And, I tried to instill smaller changes that could be more life sustainable. Such as making good choices every day... side salad instead of fries, lots of water, breakfast every morning, say no to treats and sweets, etc.

The result personally was not overwhelming... 6 pounds lost was ok but I know I could have dropped more if I took different measures. I was ok with this but the real overwhelming part was that we had 18 people participate and we raised over $350 for the Walnut Ave. Women's Shelter.

That was the best part. We had a variety of people participate, all knowing it was for a good cause. And, another great part was that our sister-in-law was really touched. In fact she cried when she heard we were doing this. And, she shared this with her boss and staff.

I can also honestly say that I have not done a good job maintaining the weight I lost in February. So, my goal of making sustainable choices hasn't quite panned out... yet.