I put out an email ahead of time to the 50-60 people that I was asking to fill out the anonymous survey - letting them know that my challenge for the month of December was this: in order to improve myself, I need to know how I am viewed so I know what to work on. It seemed easy, but it was FAR more challenging than I thought.
Think about this - no matter how 'open' you think you are to hearing what other people think, the fact is - it's nerve wracking. I wondered to myself if I really wanted to know. I deliberately tried to select a wide-ish range of people from family to work acquaintances. How do I come across? Does it align with how I think I come across?
After about 30 responses, I learned some interesting things. First, I think my perception is pretty well aligned with the reality. That's a big deal to learn. Here are snapshots of some of the results:
The top 4 brand attributes about me:
1. Likable (13 responses)
2. Creative (10 responses)
3. Funny (10 responses)
4. Outgoing (10 responses)
The top 4 brand skills associated with me are:
1. Developing ideas (12 responses)
2. Relating to others/ building relationships (9)
3. Communicating (listening/speaking) (9)
4. Growing professionally (9)
Strengths were all over the board but many of the strengths were aligned with my personality and the brand attributes listed above.
Weaknesses were all over the map too. Some of the funnier ones were "love of Weird Al" and "cooking". But, some of the weaknesses that resonated with me had to do with moving too quickly, being a little too ambitious with goals and follow-through, overextending, too easy going and not assertive enough. All I actually agree with.
In terms of what car I would be, my favorite responses were:
- A toyota FJ cruiser because he's like a concept car turned production suv... a bit luxury, while sporty, quirky and fun
- Convertible BMW b/c relaxed, sporty and fun
- Prius - innovative with a purpose, good for the earth and even better once you look inside
- Back to the Future - creative and determined
- SUV because a little bit masculine but not overpowering
For cereals, the best responses were:
- Captain Crunch because he is sweet and makes you feel like you have a sugar high after talking to him
- fruit loops - open minded, willing to try new things
- honey nut cheerios - good for you but a little bit sweet
- Lucky Charms - while the taste can be overwhelming at times, it offers excitement and variety
Additional comments and suggestions had to do with me continuing to step into my own and leverage my life experience to gain more confidence.
Again, the questions lent themselves more to positive responses but it was still a great learning experience and opened myself up to whatever people had to say. I feel now more confident in who I am as a 'brand' and would strongly recommend an exercise like this for anyone open to hearing what people think.
I know I am doing this a little late, but I am adding my thoughts and my experiences through these challenges. Josh and I have done all of these challenges together and have experienced different things. This one was very interesting as Josh said. I did mine a bit differently. Used Survey Monkey and designed two separate surveys, one for personal and one for professional. I found it funny that everyone thought I would know exactly who they were when reading the responses. The only one I knew for sure was Torrey as he answered the statement, "I wish Jen would..." with, "come out and visit us in Japan." Dead give away. This is what was clear to me.
In my professional life: My intention matches my perception. I am seen the way I want to be as an educator and as a staff member. Many answers about what I can improve on included me stepping up to the plate and "using my powers for good." I need to put my cell phone away at meetings. oops!
In my personal life: My sense of humor is valued. People know that family and friends are the most important things to me. I was surprised to learn that some of my words come out sharper than I intend. This is so good to know as I do believe in being honest but THINK that I am always sensitive. This was good for me to think about.
People were fascinated with this month's challenge. Many said that it must have been tough to really put yourself out there. It was risky, but very insightful.
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