Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Month 11: 10,000 Steps A Day

My sister told me that they were doing a 10,000 steps a day challenge at Adobe and I read up on it and loved the idea. I was looking to do something health related and focusing on walking was perfect. So, Jen and I bought pedometers and we were off.

I park about 3/4 of a mile from my office so I knew that I already had some good walking built in. But, I learned that on an average day, I was probably doing about 6,500 steps, which is good, but pretty far from 10,000. But bottom line, I still work in an office and sit a good chunk of the day so I had work to do.

This challenge forced me to walk everywhere - to take the stairs, to eat lunch farther away from my office, to walk around the block after dinner. It was a great focused reminder on how important it is to be mobile.

And, with a goal of 10,000 steps a day on average, I was focused. I tracked my steps every day and tallied them up at the very end. And, here comes the heartbreaking part... for the month of June, I averaged a total of... 9,994. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! But, I am still proud of that number and for the entire month, took a total of 258,536 steps.

Here's the breakdown - steps per day:

June 1 - 9017
June 2 - 8655
June 3 - 8672
June 4 - 5755
June 5 - 3521
June 6 - 11,913
June 7 - 16,000
June 8 - 5950
June 9 - 7189
June 10 - 10,031
June 11 - 12,192
June 12 - 6418
June 13 - 8336
June 14 - 9730 (average = 8812)
June 15 - 9665
June 16 - 11835
June 17 - 13,338
June 18 - 19,187
June 19 - 6751
June 20 - 9547
June 21 - 8820
June 22 - 8144
June 23-26 = N/A
June 27 - 10,915 (9633)
June 28 - 9803
June 29 - 11,862
June 30 - 15,290

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